Graphics are a great way to convey business ideas to customers. So, Our team understands the importance of research and then utilizes results of research to sketch a creative and systematic plan to achieve certain goals with the use of images, posters, infographics, symbols, or even words keeping the client’s requirements as their topmost priority. The team ensures that the client is satisfied with the delivered concept and presentation of the idea roadmap.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
We’re hoping we’ve provided you with some answers, but our door’s always open for a chat if you have any others.
We have designed many logos and brands for our customers. All of our logo designs come with a minimum of three designs to choose from. Once you have chosen your design you may modify it until you are happy with it.
This will vary depending upon the end usage and output. we worked to industry standards and will create or artwork in vector format unless it is required in another format. the vector format can come in the variety of file types such as AI files or PDF files.
We will deliver your design files in whatever way suits you, although the majority of our customers make use of our FTP download links, ensuring that as soon as the artwork is ready they can download it instantly without having to wait for a disc to arrive via courier.
We like to work on a 30% upfront basis with 40% payable after the designs are agreed and the outstanding 30% payable when the designing has been completed and signed off.
The age-old question! It completely depends on what you need, but you can rest assured we deliver the best possible value for money and it won’t break the bank. Why not ask for a quote? There’s no obligation and we won’t sulk if you say ‘no’!
Our clients praise us for our great results, personable service, expert knowledge and on-time delivery. Here are what just a few of them had to say: